Friday, January 14, 2011

And I want to shout out to my follower!

So apparently this is more like a diary for me.  I started this blog in September as a test more than anything.  Since I have one follower :)  Thanks Shanda! 
I don't write much (or often) but I am finding this to be therapuetic and I am enjoying it.  It is allowing me to be a bit of an exhibitionist and seems to hold me accountable.  Thanks for following my humble blog. 

new year and zumba

I've now joined the legions of zumba crazed folks dying to lose an extra 10 lbs.  It's not just because I was a fatty over the holidays... I've been a gradual fatty for the past 10 years and realized I have probably gained at least 1-1.5lbs per year as a fatty.  2011 goal - to stop being a fatty :)  And it's not just about doing cardio, I gotta work the whole package.  Here are my goals (or steps since I LOVE lists):

Step 1: Zumba
Step 2: Stop eating so much!!
Step 3: Continue to go running
Step 4: weights, crunches, push ups, squats, etc...

Step 1 is actually pretty easy because Zumba is fun and I am enjoying it.  I try not to look at myself in the mirror.  I have NO rhythm.. but otherwise I am loving Zumba.
Step 2 is HARD.  If you know me, you know how I love to eat.  I plan dinner while I eat my lunch.  I ponder the next day's meals at dinnertime.  I love to eat well and I love to cook.  But I need to really nail down "portion control" (as a sidenote.  my coworker just brought in donuts.  maple bars.  Must.Exert.Self.Control.)
Step 3 is OK.  When it's not raining, or cold. Did I mention I live in rainy cold Oregon?  And it's January??
Step 4 is *yawn* a necessity.

Will power.  Just say NO to the donuts.  ZUMBA.  Zumba. zumba.  I can do this :)